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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

And it goes round only to find out i'm back to where i'm supposed to be. What is this ? Good or bad ? I have a really trying week or rather month. SIGH SIGH SIGH !!! I have just SO SO SO many things on my mind. Things are ALMOST settled ytd had a 1 hour talk with my boss and my friends kept calling calling cause i'm almost late for movie ! Hahaaa. But hopefully it'll all turn out right after APEC on Nov 16 and till next year. Promotion, salary increase, better life. I desire all that ! Anyway ytd caught 500 Days Of Summer, sweet movie but guess what it's the first time i actually slept in a movie !! WTH right ?! Everyday been sleeping late and even if i'm so darn tired i can't sleep well, just thoughts in my mind. Chatted with him almost everyday. I don't know what's this. When we see each other at work it's a total different vibe unlike when we chatted online. I don't know so don't ask. Anyway i doubt i'll be faithfully updating this blog soon. So take LOADS of care and good day ! :)

6:46 PM

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sigh. Can someone tell me, how should i feel ?

11:20 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

FINALLY IT'S REST DAY TODAY (past 12 already) !!!!!
Have been working and working for 12 whole hours almost everyday. No breathing moment and it's like a routine. Everyday i spent only like 5 hours of sleep and it has become a habit for me. I can't sleep early now and feeling tired every single day has become a habit to me too. So now Fandi got me hooked up on Cafe World just like everybody else in the company. It's an in-thing to must play and spend donkey hours on it and forgoing every other things. Haa. I can't believe i could chat with him on that topic from Facebook to MSN. And Fandi ?! Haha the ultra-high ego playboy. This and last week had been a terrible horror for me. Working and working, playing repeated emo songs on my ipod touch, sleepless nights because i'm always counting down the hours for me to get up. What do you say ? Oh i hear the sound, my food is ready to be served ! Bye ! Back to Cafe World's world persisting to level up ! Ciao ! (:

12:12 AM

Friday, October 09, 2009

Songs uploaded into my ipop touch already ! The playlist kept playing like a broken recorder, i hear the same old song. Just 10 more days, Yes i can hang on ! You think 30 is old, you did not smile at her and looked down when she tried getting your attention and smiled at you. But you kept walking in and out and talked to us. You asked what are we doing what's so interesting that we're so engrossed in and i said we're playing Spot The Difference on Facebook. You helped us to spot and before you left, you said, "How sickening." Ha Ha. I remembered. Having lunch/dinner with you is most awkward but it's nice so is trying to have small talks with you. Your jokes are most cold that i couldn't laugh but i smiled/laughed because it's coming from you. And your teases, it made me feel unhappy, but, i still smile. (:

6:36 PM

YEAH ! Finally my laptop is up and alive but what the hell all the datas are gone for good !!! And also finally uploaded songs and some applications onto my ipop touch, I'm still a noob on that. Tired week and i wish 2 weeks would pass quickly. 19 october seems so far, it's such a sucky feeling. I'm having a love-hate relationship with Jason Mraz's song Lucky and I'm Yours. Sigh sigh. >.<

1:17 AM

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Monday, movie The Ugly Truth with Yao & Julie. Dirty sex show. Friday, movie Phobia 2 with Yao, Julie and Lye Fong. Shocking horror. There were 5 short stories and the last one was a comedy horror well for some light-hearted moment after few shocks. I couldn't believe that i actually scream. 2 are rather lame, we don't get it. It was first dinner at Thai Express then a Thai flick so coincidental we didn't know it was THAI movie, just wana catch a horror flick so it would be memorable for Yao before he leaves for army. Love the outings with them ! This week was so full of laughter and fun, and i got lots of shocks too ! I just couldn't control myself when seeing .. and acted so dumb in front of .. Damn ! Yao is so sickening, i regretted telling him my dark secret. Haa. Ai i'm lazy to update more .. Anyway .. IR Resorts World Sentosa. Hmm ..

Some snapshots of F1 moments .

12:43 AM